Submit an application
Economy price from $100 (depending on size)
Search for a suitable sketch on the Internet and in our catalogs
- Attention to details
- Sketch x1 (variant is based on your idea, the artist implements a sketch from several ready-made templates (references), works out the details)
- High resolution printing

Standard price from $250 (depending on size)
The price depends on the complexity and size of the sketch.
- Development of a unique sketch
- Attention to details
- Sketch x2 (variant is based on your idea, the artist selects 2 options, one of which you can choose to work out the details and develop a unique sketch)
- High resolution printing

Premium price from $400 (depending on size)
The price depends on the complexity and size of the sketch.
- Development of a unique sketch
- Modeling of a future tattoo (trying on a sketch on your body from the photo)
- Attention to details
- Sketch x3 (variant is based on your idea, the artist selects 3 options with fitting body sketches, one of which you can choose to work out the details and develop a unique sketch.)
- High resolution printing